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Climate Alliance Europe

A European network of cities for the protection of the world climate

A strong community for global climate protection

“Climate Alliance of European Cities with Indigenous Rainforest Peoples” is the European network of local authorities committed to the protection of the world's climate. The member cities and municipalities aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at their source. Their allies in this endeavour are the Indigenous Peoples of the rainforests in the Amazon Basin.

In order to contribute to the Climate Alliance, we rely on the commitment and the diversity of the local scale. We understand our initiative as part of the efforts around sustainable development and equity between North and South.

Our Goals

More than 1,500 cities, communities, counties, states, and organizations from 17 European countries have associated themselves with the Climate Alliance since 1990 (Europe’s largest network of cities for climate protection). They represent together more than 50 million citizens – every tenth person of the European Union lives in a Climate Alliance municipality today.

The Climate Alliance members exchange experiences,strengthening their influence on the national, European, and international climate policy and committing themselves to a sustainable and climate friendly development.

Our members:

Presently more than 1,700 cities, municipalities and districts as well as provinces, NGOs and further organisations are members of Climate Alliance. The Climate Alliance is represented in 24 European countries:

Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, France, Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Netherlands, Austria , Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden,Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary and Ukraine.

Coordination and contact

The Climate Alliance is coordinated from the European office in Frankfurt am Main, supported through national and regional coordination and contact offices. The work of these offices belongto the transfer of successful rudiments and examples, support of the members through advice and common projects, development of recommendations for action and evaluation of the municipal measures and results. It should be added that, with growing importance, campaigns and actions to the awareness-raising and information of the population.

Cooperation partner is the COICA, the governing body of the national indigenous organizations in the Amazon area. The Climate Alliance represents 50 million citizens in Europe.

Climate Alliance / Klima-Bündnis / Alianza del Clima e.V.
Galvanistr. 28, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. (+49) - 69 - 717139-0, Fax (+49) - 69 - 717139-93
E-Mail: europe@klimabuendnis.org

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